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Latch Releases New Single: “Buzzkill”

I did a review of a previous Latch song, “Oath Breaker”, where I insinuated that they could have been on the classic comp This is Boston…Not LA and held their own against The Freeze and Gang Green. This new song, “Buzzkill” is off their new EP - Trapped in this Flesh and keeps the hardcore while demonstrating a little bit more of the punk in hardcore punk.

The intro builds slowly with just the guitar and the goes full power into the verse and a banger of a chorus with dope guitar work. When the breakdown ended I was a little sad because I wanted more, but I guess that’s the point right? To make me listen again or go back to the next song. Well the fuck done.

Lyrically there are themes of hopelessness, anger, and defiance towards a society and individuals perceived as unjust and uncaring. They express a desire for acknowledgment and validation of their pain and frustration, while rejecting the notion of simply "getting over it" or conforming to societal expectations of positivity.

Would love to see this band live or maybe do some show swaps since my band is in Upstate NY.

Check them out on Bandcamp and download the digital or buy the cassette. If it was vinyl, I’d be buying this shit.

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Album artwork by Fleur de Guillotine

Check out their song on Spotify or on my punk playlist full of bangers!

Also check out their IG and FB

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)


Want to mail a vinyl for review? Message me at dcpcbooking@gmail.com for the address

No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them

Also make sure to check out DCxPC Live’s store where I have vinyl release of live albums by amazing hardcore, punk, ska and metal bands! We are a small DIY record label doing our best to document the scene we love in the way we love it most—LIVE!

If I had to pick one release that fans of this band might like it would be our new compilation co-released with Locked in the Basement:

Locked in the Basement is a cassette tape series with 10 releases. Each volume featured two bands recorded live in a basement with one track and one take. This vinyl features each of the 20 bands with 10 bands from cassette side A on vinyl side A and 10 bands from cassette side B on Vinyl Side B!