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Out Now: “Chicken Business” by PLZ RSPND!

PLZ RSPND’s name evokes a sort of self-deprecation similar to The Replacements name or songs such as Offspring’s “Self-Esteem” or half of The Descendents’ catalog. Their new song which strikes upon the often touted value of beer has a sound that reminded me of Osker, but if they were more of a party band like Murphy’s Law.

Despite all the names I just dropped the sound like themselves. They are one of the bands who would have stood out on those 1990s Punk - O - Rama albums and led to me buying their full length. I’m stoke to watch their pages and see their next NY show, so I can check them out live.

You can listen on their Spotify or on my punk playlist full of bangers

Follow all their socials: FB YouTube IG

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