Egar Allan Poets Reviews DCxPC Live Vol. 14 Rise Defy Live at Pie Shop DC
Listening to this music is an intense emotion that makes your liver vibrate…
Rock Era Magazine Reviews DCxPC Live Vol. 14 Rise Defy Live at The Pie Shop DC
The Washington DC hardcore punk veterans, Rise Defy, are back with a blistering EP that begins and ends in a flurry of rapid beat, tough attitude, and sublime musicality.
FV Music Blog Reviews DCxPC Live Vol. 14 Rise Defy Live at Pie Shop DC
Hailing from Washington, DC, Rise Defy has released the must-hear, ‘DCxPC Live Vol. 14 Presents Rise Defy Live at the Pie Shop DC’. It is an excellent release that you need to know about this January.
Less Than 1,000 Followers Reviews DCxPC Live Vol. 14 Rise Defy Live at The Pie Shop DC
While I dig both tracks on the single, I tend to favor the A side “Shellshocked.” Lyrically it is about how traumatized kids bond with other kids in the punk scene, something I connected with instantly. Punk Rock music was an incredibly important type of music for me growing up at a pivotal age. At the end of the song Davis engages the crowd: “It’s about finding your tribe, which appears to be right here in front of us.”