Gloom Girl MFG’s New EP, Factory, is an Energetic Unmanufactured Punch of Grunge/Punk!

I hit play on Gloom Girl MFG’s first song, “Litter Bug” on their new four song EP, Factory, and I was instantly into it. It’s got that mixture of grunge punk from bands like Bantam (members of the Lunachicks) and the vocals on this first track remind me of the earlier releases by Juliette (Lewis) and The Licks. I’d also throw in a touch of PJ Harvey in there or the Pretenders.

“Litterbug” is a mid-tempo rocker that does a great job of dropping the song into softer/gentler parts and then building to a roaring raucous cacophony that would delight anyone that just loves fucking powerful music.

“My Brothers Meds” has this rad vocal wail that starts the song. Hmmm wait a minute now that I’m listening further, that actually may be the guitar. Fuck. Whichever it is I dig it. It’s like an eerie version of the high pitched sounds in Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” The chorus is big and catchy.

“I Hope She Knows” slows it down a bit but not in a bad way. The intensity and energy are still there, especially when it kicks in after a thud thud thud thud of the bass drum. Oh damn. I love this guitar riff; its dirty as fuck. Can you tell I’m writing as I’m listening? Whoa I was all windows down and pedal to the floor, and now we’ve slowed down again. Okay. Let’s see what happens next. Oh yeah…here it comes again. It’s like going between slow fucking and fast fucking. You know what I’m talking about. Then that killer riff comes in, so would that be syncopated fucking? It’s not really syncopated, but it’s certainly a riff that accents and grooves.

The last song, “Side Stitch”, is more of a sad slowed down mournful track that closes out the album and allows for you to sit back and listen and reflect. Despite its slower pace, its still delivered with power and raw emotion.

This band would right in on a bill with Year of the Fist from my label’s 4th release, then again they’d hold their own with any punk, hardcore or metal band and should be one of those bands that crosses over genres and is loved by all. Like when emo kids and hardcore kids all loved Lifetime.

Check them out on Spotify here on my punk playlist or my grunge playlist

Follow their socials: IG , FB , TikTok , YouTube

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“For all of those who have felt the need to hide” - Katie MF has the song for you!


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