Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Your Best Nightmare Releases New Album: A Simple Solution for Toxic Masculinity
I am so stoked to dig into A Simple Solution for Toxic Masculinity by Your Best Nightmare, and I’m even more stoked to catch them live at the Fuzebox in Albany on April 3rd!

Your Best Nightmare Releases New Single: “Promising Young Woman”
I reviewed Your Best Nightmare’s self-titled EP back in July, so I was stoked when I saw they had a new release. In this new song you get a sort of 50’s sounding song mixed with overtones of horror punk all played with a ukulele and some sort of organ overtop some simple but effective drumming.

Your Best Nightmare is the Kind of Nightmare that I’d Wish on My Kids
I still remember being stoked to see Eddie Vedder on his ukulele tour, and then I got sick and couldn’t make the show. From that point on ukulele went deep into the recesses of my mental filing cabinet of short lived DIY musical styles. Since then I have recorded a great horror punk band in Florida that uses a ukulele, Swear Wolf, with a live album pending, discovered The ukulele punk rock of the Margaret Hooligans from Philly and now found out about Your Best Nightmare who use horror themes, punk rock soul and a ukulele to make some damn fine music.