Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

The Ivy League Want You To “Be Anything You Need” and Get “Everything You Ever Wanted”
Have you ever felt alone? Like you didn’t belong? Like no matter how hard you tried, you’d never find those people that get you? You’d need to spend your whole life code switching to fit in with others at school, work or even in social situations? Then the Ivy League is for you. They want you to join their family. Not in a cultish way, in a we’ve all been there before, and we all want one thing in life–to be accepted for who we are with all of our flaws and our nooks and crannies out in the open. Their new EP, Everything I Ever Wanted, opens with their title track and lays down some indie/emo-punk posicore that would fit in at any diy show full of disaffected youth or adults with lyrics like “We can be anything we need, welcome to the Ivy League. Just to be a part of this is all I ever wanted” The this being the place that we can call "home". This is literally felt when I discovered punk rock. It wasn’t just a third place between home and school/work, it was my actual home–it was a collection of misfits that knew how to accept me for who I was and not what they expected of me.