Greed Culture Releases New Single Off of Death of Us EP!

Greed Culture may be the Death of Us, but if this new single, “Breakthrough Sight”, is any indication of the what to expect on from their new EP, then it may also bring us new life.

This is some 90’s Victory Records / Revelation Records style hardcore with just that touch of metal with vocals that remind me of Cave In or Coalesce.

The song does what I tend to love most about hardcore and that’s to provide a positive message over brutal music. With lyrics like “Seize the day” and “Be Here and Do Fucking Better” the song is a call to action to embrace an amorphous “it’ described in the song. Leaving it vague allows each of us to construct our own meaning. For me it was about seeing through all the shit with my “Breakthrough Sight” so I could see what what really matters and live life actively engaged in the real world versus living in a head full of hopes or dreams never acted upon.

Here’s hoping this southern California band does a full tour and comes to the NY era sometime in the near future.

Check out their video here:

You can also listen to them on Spotify or on my Hardcore and Punk playlist full of bangers

Do the thing and follow them on IG too

Need a song or album reviewed? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)


Need a kick ass song that also supports a kickass cause? The Owen Guns “Trans Rights are Human Rights” are for you!


“For all of those who have felt the need to hide” - Katie MF has the song for you!