This new single, “Wishful Thinking”, by Slunk sounds like some Age of the Quarrel era Cro-Mags shit with maybe some Sheer Terror.

It’s like I’m back at the Capitol Ballroom in DC in the 1990s and this one of the bands playing the Hardcore Superbowl that year. And they are killing it!

Shit starts off low, I was about to turn it up, luckily I waited because it came on full force. This song has the slow chugga chugga parts, the fast hardcore shit, the breakdowns, the bass solos, the tribal tom beats i.e. it’s like they shot their veins full of hardcore and the shit acted like some sort of hardcore super solider serum.

Needless to say, I won’t fucking complain if they are on the bill at my next NYC hardcore show.

Check them out:

You can also find all their stuff using Link Tree and listen to the single on my hardcore/punk playlist full of bangers

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)


Out Now: “Chicken Business” by PLZ RSPND!


“Having a Bad Time Having a Ball" by the Australia’s La Famiglia is an electrifying track combining 80's hardcore, 90's skate punk, and indie rock to create a unique and captivating sound.