Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music
Unified Move Releases New Single: “Once Again”
Hailing from Switzerland, Unified Move, is not being neutral in their sonic attack! “Once Again” is one track of their third album, Anger, and if the rest of their songs are this good, then the record fucking smokes!

State Power Releases New Single: “Payback”
State Power’s newest single “Payback” reminds me of something I might have heard from Paint it Black or Ruiner i.e. tight and fast hardcore with just a touch of melody to make me want to sing along when I’m not diving off the stage or circle pitting.

TERRA Releases New Single: “Hellraiser”
Terra has that hardcore mixed with metal and vocals that at times remind me of Max from Sepultura/Soulfly but delivered with a NYHC vocal pattern.

Pyomai Release New Single: “Weighing on Me”
Pyomai mixes melodic hardcore, post-hardcore and metalcore into it’s own unique blend.

This new single, “Wishful Thinking”, by Slunk sounds like some Age of the Quarrel era Cro-Mags shit with maybe some Sheer Terror.
It’s like I’m back at the Capitol Ballroom in DC in the 1990s and this one of the bands playing the Hardcore Superbowl that year. And they are killing it!

If Beers, Blunts, and Bloody Pits are You Thing, then are The Errorists!
If the song title, “Wasted and Stupid”, doesn’t key you into that this band likes to party, then a brief listen to their music damn as well should. It’s got the NY hardcore style vocals, but it’s also got the punk rock fun and grime mixed together. I could see these dudes rocking the state with Murphy’s Law, Endangered Feces, and Two Man Advantage for sure!