Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Sotah’s Newest Ska Single “Sotah” Brings Sad Ska to Life

Sotah’s Newest Ska Single “Sotah” Brings Sad Ska to Life

The moment that upstroke occurred it reminded me instantly of “Bicycle Seat” by The Daycare Swindlers, but from there any comparison disappeared…I mean yes it’s a well crafted song with catchy hooks and more that are similar, but “Sotah” is also tinged with a melancholy that is a stark juxtaposition with the usual automatically upbeat feeling of ska.

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What if Jello Biafra fronted a 70’s British Punk Band?

What if Jello Biafra fronted a 70’s British Punk Band?

That’s what I hear when I listen to, “Black Friar,” the new single by Shop Talk off their album, The Offering. It’s got the sound of bands like The Adverts, The Jam or maybe even The Members, but the vocals have that vibrato quality reminiscent of Jello’s. This is the sort of song that fans of garage rock, punk rock, and indie rock should all be able to enjoy together.

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The Snorts Have Released a New Kickass Single: “Heart Attack”

The Snorts Have Released a New Kickass Single: “Heart Attack”

I remember the first time a girlfriend had a panic attack back in the mid-1990’s. Nobody knew what that shit was. We totally thought it was a heart attack but doctors could find nothing wrong. It took us a while to figure out it was a panic attack. That shit was scary as fuck,! This song is rad as fuck!

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If Beers, Blunts, and Bloody Pits are You Thing, then are The Errorists!

If Beers, Blunts, and Bloody Pits are You Thing, then are The Errorists!

If the song title, “Wasted and Stupid”, doesn’t key you into that this band likes to party, then a brief listen to their music damn as well should. It’s got the NY hardcore style vocals, but it’s also got the punk rock fun and grime mixed together. I could see these dudes rocking the state with Murphy’s Law, Endangered Feces, and Two Man Advantage for sure!

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