Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

DCxPC Live, Ska Song Review Mr. P DCxPC Live, Ska Song Review Mr. P

I love ska, and I love it more when its mixed with other eclectic styles like when I recently reviewed and did a podcast for Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra’s new ska album.

Mega Infinity’s new EP, Chaos Magick, fits that bill. It blends ska, metal, punk, electronic, hip-hop, prog rock and more!

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Gaba Groove’s new ska punk single, “Fire” premiered today…just in time for their show at the Whiskey with The Dickies, so give it a listen and get out to that show to sing along.

Gaba Groove’s new ska punk single, “Fire” premiered today…just in time for their show at the Whiskey with The Dickies, so give it a listen and get out to that show to sing along.

While not breaking any ska punk ground, the song does lay back a bit more into that reggae vibe which as fun vibe to the song. I could totally see this being on an Asian Man Records comp back in the 1990s.

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Sotah’s Newest Ska Single “Sotah” Brings Sad Ska to Life

Sotah’s Newest Ska Single “Sotah” Brings Sad Ska to Life

The moment that upstroke occurred it reminded me instantly of “Bicycle Seat” by The Daycare Swindlers, but from there any comparison disappeared…I mean yes it’s a well crafted song with catchy hooks and more that are similar, but “Sotah” is also tinged with a melancholy that is a stark juxtaposition with the usual automatically upbeat feeling of ska.

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