Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Sorry Sweetheart Releases New Single: “50 First Dates”
This band would have fit in great at Camp Punksylvania this last weekend!

Teen Mortgage Release New Single: “Away”
I’m not gonna lie. You say the words DC and punk or harDCcore, and you always get my attention right away. This duo hails from said capital of hardcore, and they bring a giant fuzz bomb of fucking doom to the world. I’ve heard a lot of rad duo bands such as Evil Beaver, World Sucks and Cut-Rate Druggist (White Stripes? Never heard of them), and this band deserves to sit on the shelf right next to them.

The Würmen Release New Single: “Cognitive Dissonance”
The Wurmen are a rad mix of punk and garage rock. It reminds me of what you’d get if Fugazi melded with (International) Noise Conspiracy.

Dollar Signs Release New Single: “Bless Your Heart”
I missed this band at Fest this year. No fault of theirs, its hard to catch everything you want with over 18 venues and over 300 bands plus the desires of the friends you’re with, not to mention the need to eat. I’ll probably wind up regretting it cause this are dope as fuck.

Unwell Releases New Single: “Homegrown”
I never had a Warp Tour pop punk emo phase, but if I did, I’m sure this band would be at the top of the list.

Big Mess Release New Single: “Walk All Over Me”!
This shit is catchy as fuck. Get them on tour to the U.S. with Stiff Little Fingers of some such. Shit have them play The Fest next year!

TwoMinutesHate Release New Single: “Killing Me Softly With This Job”
Despite the band being called TwoMinutesHate the songs are poppy enough that you’d assume the songs are devoid of any negativity. But in case the title of their new song didn’t clue you in, let me tell you that that’s just not fucking true

Martirio Releases New Single: “Agonía”
This is the shit that I live and breath for. It’s what I like to play, it’s what I like to hear, and it’s the kind of band I drive hours to go see. Fucking fuck. They compare themselves to GEL, and I’m not gonna give them any pushback on that. (Can I mention that I’m stoked to see GEL this weekend?)

NOBRO Releases New Single: “Who The Hell Am I?”
This is my second song I’ve reviewed for Canada’s NOBRO. The first review was for “Let’s Do Drugs” which was just pure fun. “Who the Hell Am I” is catchy as fuck but not nearly as fun. It’s much more introspective. Are you trapped in yourself? Are you trapped in a room? Is your body just part of a Russian doll? Do you really exist or are you just an enigma wrapped in burrito of existential angst with a dollop of quandary?

Alex Hellcat Releases New Single: “Devil in Disguise”!
While I’d love to see bit more of his own self in there, I gotta say this song is as good if not better than a fair amount of stuff Rancid has done over the last two decades.

The Lowcocks Release New Single: “Birth Control”
So I don’t know what a Lowcock is. I tried the Google, and all I got was a plow named after someone named Lowcock which tells me that it’s a surname. So is this band like the Ramones but with a surname that I’m totally ignorant of? Considering the topic of their new single “Birth Control” I could certainly see it as an attack on toxic masculinity and dudes’ highcocks (is that a word?).

Proud House of Shmucks Releases New Single: “Manic”
I have to wonder if their band name’s inclusion of the word “house” is chosen because it sounds like an entire punk house of influences from skate punk, to hardcore, to oi and even some friggin’ ska and all in one rad ass song.

Totally Slow Releases New Single: “Crosshairs”
On one hand, I’m super stoked that I just found out about this band because they rip and they are playing Fest this year, so hopefully I’ll get to see them live! On the other hand, I’ve apparently missed them during the half dozen or so other Fests that I have attended…so boo!

Scooped Up! Releases New Single: “Shoelace”!
These cats have been bringing their version of mid to late 90’s pop punk to the masses since 2016, and while I hadn’t heard of them until this review, I immediately connected with their new song “Shoelace” which sounds like it could have come right of of Pokinatcha by MxPx!

Outer Control Release New Single: “Revolution”!
Outer Control are back with another slice of 1990’s skate punk a la Fat Wreckchords. I just did a review for their last release “Apocalyptic Calamity”, and their new single “Revolution” leans more heavily into their metal influences akin to Strung Out with a lot of rapid fire guitar leads and a sick ass solo.

Mil-Spec Release New Single: “Too Long At the Fair”
Mil-Spec has escaped by notice, and no, it’s not cause the size of a millionth of a spec or that they are Canadian. As far as I can tell they have no social media presence, despite being around for 7 years other than Bandcamp. Well if not wasting time on social media leads to fucking solid ass melodic hardcore songs that make me want to pull my hoodie up and dance my face off while raising my fist in the air to sing/scream along to song lyrics that I only 60% understand, then fucking A, stay off social media.

Boss Rush Release New Single: “Catalogue of Shame”!
Boss Rush is a husband and wife duo embracing their love of the DIY, political punk bands a la Propagandhi and the aesthetic of post punk embraced by Dischord records work together to create some damn fine music in their Alabama basement.

Coma Beach Release New Single: “Another Song”!
So after having reviewed “Jesus Tears” off the same album, The Scapegoat’s Agony, as this song a few months back, I thought I knew exactly how this would sound. Instead this song brings that a totally different style in that instead of fuzzed out guitars, the guitars are all clean and give that feeling of a song I’d hear on a Stiff Little Fingers or Dropkick Murphy’s album. The singer still remind me of the Beltones, but the second vocalist has more of that classic 70’s British punk snotty sound.

Ghoul Talk Releaes New Single: “I Just Like to Watch”!
Ghoul Talk from Seattle new song, “I Just Like To Watch” mixes punk, grunge and garage rock in a way that reminds of me bands like Year of the Fist and The Used.

Storm Boy Releases New Single: “Steam in the Room”!
First the disclosure, I loved this song the moment I heard it. It was days later that I realized that an old DC area friend that I’ve known for decades was in the band. So with or without knowing anyone in the band, this song fucking rocks.