Teen Mortgage Release New Single: “Away”

I’m not gonna lie. You say the words DC and punk or harDCcore, and you always get my attention right away. This duo hails from said capital of hardcore, and they bring a giant fuzz bomb of fucking doom to the world. I’ve heard a lot of rad duo bands such as Evil Beaver, World Sucks and Cut-Rate Druggist (White Stripes? Never heard of them), and this band deserves to sit on the shelf right next to them. Yes on the shelf. My shelf in my bathroom where I look at bands who sit on shelve next to other bands while I floss my teeth. You got a problem with that? You do? Well fuck you, I’ll have you know that I eat almonds in my steel-cut oatmeal every fucking morning! Oh did that shut you up? Damn fucking straight it did.

Sorry I got a little off track there. Now where was I. Oh yea, Teen Mortgage bring their own version of hardcore or post-hardcore. Some it reminds of the Melvins but with almost an industrial feel coming from the drums at points. Their touring with Off!, so a lot of people are gonna see this and love it as much as I do.

Check them out on Spotify or on my punk playlist

Check out their online stuff: Website, IG, Bandcamp, Twitter, FB, TikTok and Soundcloud

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)


Want to mail a vinyl for review? Message me at dcpcbooking@gmail.com for the address

No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them.


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