Gaba Groove’s new ska punk single, “Fire” premiered today…just in time for their show at the Whiskey with The Dickies, so give it a listen and get out to that show to sing along.

While not breaking any ska punk ground, the song does lay back a bit more into that reggae vibe which as fun vibe to the song. I could totally see this being on an Asian Man Records comp back in the 1990s.

The lyrics of "Fire" appear to convey a message of personal transformation and the struggle between negative influences (represented by "green greed") and positive influences (represented by "kine kine" and "Fire"). The repeated refrain, "And my soul is the price I paid, doing just what they said," suggests a sense of sacrifice or surrender to external pressures or expectations.

The mention of "Fire" throughout the song seems to symbolize a force or energy that is both destructive and transformative. It can be seen as a powerful element that can save the singer from their own thoughts and the influence of others.

The lyrics also touch upon themes of spirituality and finding a higher power, as evidenced by references to "Jah Jah" and "Fire reggae changes me." This could signify a spiritual awakening or a deeper connection with one's beliefs.

I’m definitely excited to check out what else they have out there. In the meantime, I’m gonna put on my checkered Vans and do a little skanking in my living room — and no I won’t be posting a video of it to TikTok.

Like all good bands, they have a Link Tree to all their Internet and social media sites, so check it out.

I’ve also added the song to my Ska Playlist filled with lit songs!

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)


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