Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Coma Beach Releases New Single: “Extreme Masochist”
My love for this band is not a secret. I’ve written two reviews on past songs “Jesus’s Tears” and “Another Song” in which I’ve compared the vocalist to Leatherface or The Beltones with occasional backing vocals akin to the snotty 70’s British punk band.

Blind Adam & The Federal League Releases New Single: “Cold Dead Hands”
This past July I received a text from my buddy Lou from Albany’s The Lurking Class telling me that I had to go see this band called Blind Adam & The Federal League at this DIY venue in Kingston, NY. He had just played with them a day or so earlier, and he was raving about them. A new DIY space? A new band? Plus Matt Pless? Fuck yeah!