Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Looking for a dark, angry rocker that you can sing along to? Look no further than “Jesus’ Tears” by Coma Beach!
Hailing from Würzburg, Germany, Coma Beach bring their mix of punk alternative to us with their new single, “Jesus’ Tears”, off their latest album, The Scapegoat’s Agony. I always listen to the band before I read how they describe themselves in their press release, so I clicked on this song, and my first thoughts were rad guitar intro, nice dirty bass line, dope fuzz guitar riff, solid drum beat that drives the song, and then the vocals hit. This was the highlight for me. The main vocals are guttural, raspy and give the song its decidedly punk feel. They immediately reminded me of the vocals of Leatherface and The Beltones, two of my favorite British punk bands. Then the second vocals popped in that have the same feel and tone as classic 70’s British punk bands like The Adverts, The Members and The Addicts.