Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Two Man Giant Squid’s New Single “Progress” Questions the Very Existence of Such a Thing
When you hear a band name like Two Man Giant Squid, it really gives you little to know idea what a band sounds like which is perfect for a band like this that blends garage rock, punk, and psychedelic into a rocking but also danceable and catchy rock song.

On’s Newest Single “Make Me” Opens with a Killer Riff and Keeps on Killing!
Right from the outset when I hit play, I was feeling this song. The opening riff is one of those classic guitar riffs that every band hopes to come up with. The kind that leaves a legacy and will be taught in guitar 101 classes for generations to come. Having it slowly increase in volume until the drums come in adds to the intensity. Not only do I love the snare sound, but I love the guitar “screech” that occurs with each snare hit early in the song. Great accent and really interesting to hear.

Rebels in Stereo’s Newest Single an Anthem for Survivors and Thrivers!
Maybe it’s the former middle school teacher in me or the father of two teens that made me connect with this song right away. I don’t have the full story, nor do I think I need to in order to feel the emotion of the song. From the song and the press release, I know that the singer’s cousin was attacked and “had to fight for her life” and during her recovery lost her mother. And yet this 15 year old managed to push through and thrive. This song is in her honor. I share this because I dug the song at first listen, without context, with context, it’s the sort of song I hope my daughters would rock out to while hoping that they avoid the same strife. With that being said, I also hope that they’d handle it as well as Lacey.

Bullet to the Heart’s Newest EP: Death, Oddities, and Romance will be a Goth Metal Classic!
Bullet to the Heart have just released their newest EP: Death, Oddities and Romance not be to be confused with the 1990’s album by the Circle Jerks: Oddities, Abnormalities and Curiosities although I’d have loved have heard Bullet’s vocalist, Audrey Queen do the same backing vocals that Debbie Gibson did in her surprise appearance on that punk classic.

The Fades Newest Single, “Off the Record” should be on everyone’s record player!
The Fades describe themselves as “reminiscent of early Nirvana, elements of Faith No More and the snarl of Idles”. On their new single, “Off the Record”, I can most certainly hear the early Nirvana a la Bleach. It’s got the same sort of heavy buzzing distorted wall of guitar with the pre-dave grohl drums of Chad Channing. I totally get the feeling of listening to one of my favorite Nirvana songs: “Negative Creep”.

Looking for a dark, angry rocker that you can sing along to? Look no further than “Jesus’ Tears” by Coma Beach!
Hailing from Würzburg, Germany, Coma Beach bring their mix of punk alternative to us with their new single, “Jesus’ Tears”, off their latest album, The Scapegoat’s Agony. I always listen to the band before I read how they describe themselves in their press release, so I clicked on this song, and my first thoughts were rad guitar intro, nice dirty bass line, dope fuzz guitar riff, solid drum beat that drives the song, and then the vocals hit. This was the highlight for me. The main vocals are guttural, raspy and give the song its decidedly punk feel. They immediately reminded me of the vocals of Leatherface and The Beltones, two of my favorite British punk bands. Then the second vocals popped in that have the same feel and tone as classic 70’s British punk bands like The Adverts, The Members and The Addicts.
Doll Riot Releases New Single: “Those Days”!
Yes, some might presume that Doll Riot are an all-female band, but in our non-binary world, I’m not going to make that assumption. Others might want to make mention of their age–i.e. high school age-ish, but seeing as how my favorite bands from the DC area: Minor Threat, Scream, Void, Fath, etc. were all in high school, I’m not going to focus on that either. I’ve found that when reviews focus on age or gender it’s usually accompanied with an implicit unspoken phrase, “good for being ________”. This band doesn’t deserve or need such a qualifier. They are just fucking good!

Panic Theory by Vacant Skies
Vacant Skies is a band from Flagstaff, AZ. They just released a new album, Panic Theory, on Allegedly Records, one of my favorite labels because it’s run by some of the dopest people in the scene and puts out rad tunes to boot.

Dead End Town EP by Mitch Kramer
So I’ve been aware of Mitch Kramer due to common friends, Some Kind of Nightmare, but until recently I’d never listened to him and his rotating cast of supporting artists. What a mistake that was because this shit rocks!