Germany’s Blast Bomb Brings the Proverbial “Hammer Blow” Down with Their New Single!

About 20 years ago, my old harDCcore band did a tour throughout Germany and other parts of Eastern Europe. We were a three piece, so we brought a two-piece band with us not knowing that most nights only two bands played, so I’ve always felt robbed of getting to experience all of the possible Germany, Slovakian, etc. bands that I could have seen. Hearing this brings that pain back but in a good way. Pain in that this is the sort of band I wish we had played with each night but sadly didn’t, and good in that I have found a new band across the pond to fucking enjoy.

The band is called Blast Bomb and their new single is “Hammer Blow” so you can safely assume without listening that this is not a dream pop or shoe gaze band and that they are going to come out of the gate charged and reading for fucking action. They reference some bands that I don’t know as influences such as Smoke Blow and the The Bad and the Zugly who appear to be from Germany. They also reference American Metal bands: Amen and Snot — two names I haven’t heard for a minute. I can’t say that I think they sound anything like either band but I can say that they remind me of a mix of oi and 90’s melodic hardcore with just a hair of metal (get it?).

Definitely worth a listen:

You can also follow them on their Spotify and listen to them on my punk playlist full of bangers.

Speaking of following, check out their FB and IG too!

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)


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