Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Germany’s Blast Bomb Brings the Proverbial “Hammer Blow” Down with Their New Single!

Germany’s Blast Bomb Brings the Proverbial “Hammer Blow” Down with Their New Single!

About 20 years ago, my old harDCcore band did a tour throughout Germany and other parts of Eastern Europe. We were a three piece, so we brought a two-piece band with us not knowing that most nights only two bands played, so I’ve always felt robbed of getting to experience all of the possible Germany, Slovakian, etc. bands that I could have seen. Hearing this brings that pain back but in a good way. Pain in that this is the sort of band I wish we had played with each night but sadly didn’t, and good in that I have found a new band across the pond to fucking enjoy.

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Germany's Sex Beat Brings The Rage in their Newest Single, "Call Me"

Germany's Sex Beat Brings The Rage in their Newest Single, "Call Me"

Sex Beat’s “Call Me” slapped my left nut right off the bat with its frantically fast, distorted guitar riff opening opening before the rest of the band joins the fray. The drums keep a simple beat which actually works well with the frantic guitar playing, the bass that hits dope accents and the slightly distorted vocal wails that venture into screaming shouts.

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