Rebels in Stereo Release New Album: “Smear Campaign”
Sharp looking hat ya got there!!
Rebels in Stereo were one of the first bands I ever reviewed (Check out my past review of Lace of Steel), so I was stoked to get notice from them about their new album, Smear Campaign.’
This is a fucking rock solid piece of melodic punk rock with just a tinge of metal in there. It reminds me a little of Tsunami Bomb as well as some 90’s skate bands that tended to mix in metal like Diesel Boy and Strung Out.
The first song “LFG” starts with a killer riff before the whole band jumps in with guns a fucking blazing and smoking guitar lead over the top. I’m loving these lyrics. You had me at RBG. Need an anthem as you tear down the patriarchy? This is one for the masses. That fucking scream. Yes. Fucking yes. Loving this.
Totally didn’t expect the piano interlude half way through. Really fucking dope especially the way it’s followed by “Silence is Violence” which is a total fucking banger. That scream at about 1 minute fucking is killer I also have to appreciate the lyrics here too. And the guitar solo is short and slaps like fuck. This one reminds me a bit of Bad Cop/Bad Cop.
They end with “Conspiracy of Gold” with a rad metal type of guitar riff. Like the time I might have heard in a dirty fucking 80’s metal tune like Randy Rhoades era Ozzy. That big whoah chorus is perfectly place, and I can see crowds of people with fists or beers in the air singing along with their free arm around whoever is near them.
You can hear the song live here:
I can’t recommend this album enough. Give it a listen, and then buy their shit and support dope music!
You can also check them out on Spotify or my Punk Playlist full of bangers
My only wish would be for this to be on vinyl!
Check out their links: