Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

The Bingo Boy’s Newest Album, Freak Out and Leave, Makes Me Want to Crank that Shit All Night!
Hot damn! I love that midwestern punk rock! These dudes bring the mother fucking noise! They are a three piece–my favorite type of band, and their sound is so friggin’ thick! They meld so many great influences in their slice of punk rock. Think: Replacements meets Melvins meets The Dicks with hints of proto punk i.e. Stooges and MC5. They just opened for the Subhumans, one of my favorite bands, so I hope everyone dug that as much as I did. They have released a new album–though it doesn’t seem to have a physical option which sucks, ‘cause I’d buy it if they did. Here’s my one time listen review of each song. Keep in mind that I’m a drummer and not a musician:

Pondering the Meaning of Life? Start with listening to “What Kind of Donut are You” by Margaret Hooligans
“What Kind of Donut Are You?” Is one of those nonsensical humorous songs that harken back to the days of The Dead Milkmen, Beck, Butthole Surfers, Atom and His Package or They Might Be Giants all of which never quite fit into the strict paraments of the “punk” world per se but all of which had fans of punk that enjoy and continue to enjoy the nature of what they brought into what’s oft a far too serious genre of music.