Get Wrecked Release New Single: “Eternal Struggle”

I’m so fucking digging “Eternal Struggle” by Get Wrecked. For a song that’s only three minutes long there is a lot of fucking great shit in here that shows some impressive range. It starts off with some great mix of hardcore and street punk that reminds me of a mix of A Global Threat and Leftover Crack, but then it has this dope ass middle part where the vocals get all clean, and I feel like I could be listening to later day Youth Brigade when the vocals got all melodic. There’s rad backing vocals around this time too. Then it goes back into the heavier vocals style but more of a NYHC style in parts.

This diversity of sounds should not surprise me since they did the same thing on the last song I reviewed, “Get Shreked or Die Tryin’” where I compared them to RKL, Pennywise, and Iron Reagan.

Covid may have killed the all-you-eat buffet, but these fuckers are bringing it back musically.

I have to admit that I didn’t stop at this song, and I went through all the shit they have on Spotify, and it all fucking slaps.

Give them a listen on their Spotify or my Punk Playlist for of bangers!

Also check them out on Bandcamp, IG, and FB

And since I run a live album vinyl record label, I had to find some dope live shit:

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)

Want to mail a vinyl for review? Message me at for the address

No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them

Also make sure to check out DCxPC Live’s store where I have vinyl release of live albums by amazing hardcore, punk, ska and metal bands! We are a small DIY record label doing our best to document the scene we love in the way we love it most—LIVE!


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