Banged Out Release New Single: “Heaven Sent”

Banged Out is a trans fem fronted three-piece from Austin Texas who delivers some fucking rad as fuck metal mixed with hardcore. This stuff just fucks pure and simple. You’ve got brutal lead hardcore vocals that just slay with the occaissional death metal style vocals as back up overtop metal filled with riffage, sick time and tempo changes and layers of unique shit that allow this shit to stand our from the standard metal. It reminds me of Knocked Loose mixed with Converge.

This song is off of promo 2. One can only hope that this and the prior promo is a sign of a full length that we can all buy on vinyl. In the meantime, check out their music on Bandcamp and buy the digital to support this dope band.

Also check them out on their Spotify and my Metal Playlist

Follow them on FB and IG

And since I’m a live-album, vinyl record label, here’s a rad as fuck video of them that I found:

Need a song or album reviewed? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)

Want to mail a vinyl for review? Message me at for the address

No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them.

Also make sure to check out DCxPC Live’s store where I have vinyl release of live albums by amazing hardcore, punk, ska and metal bands! We are a small DIY record label doing our best to document the scene we love in the way we love it most—LIVE!

I’d recommend one of our killer metal releases by Antagonizör, Moat Cobra or No Coffin!


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