Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music
Aku Releases New Single: “I Know About You”
Brighton’s Aku provide a kick ass slab of hardcore with some technical effects in their that give it an almost industrial feel at times.
Amora Releases New Single: “Blink of an Eye”
There are so many elements of this song that rip. The bridge with the build up is fucking sick. And the different guitar leads are tasty as fuck. Good shit indeed.

Disqualifier Releases New Album: Consolidating Logistics Since 1776
From start to finish Disqualifiers’ new album, Consolidating Logistics Since 1776 does a masterful job of blending classic hardcore punk elements, with pop punk and just enough post hardcore touches that helps the whole album sound really fresh and new.

Martirio Release New Single: “Fuerza”
Not sure if this band is touring, but if they every come to NY, I’ll get them a fucking show for sure.

Nuggets Release New Single: “Gold”
This is pure hardcore with no frills and no gimmicks, it’s just in your face with great riffage, fast parts, breakdowns and angry as fuck vocals spit in your general direction.

Vida Releases New Single: “TMS”
Their bio says they were on hiatus, and based on Bandcamp their last release was nearly ten years ago, so all I can say to that is I’m glad they ended their hiatus cause this is fucking dope shit.

State Power Releases New Single: “Payback”
State Power’s newest single “Payback” reminds me of something I might have heard from Paint it Black or Ruiner i.e. tight and fast hardcore with just a touch of melody to make me want to sing along when I’m not diving off the stage or circle pitting.

Decoy Releases New EP: Re:Selection!
Decoy’s new three song EP is! Re:Selection hits hard with three fucking bangers of metallic hardcore for fans of bands like Hatebreed, Converge, Vein and All Shall Perish.
WorldSucks: New 7” and Tour!
This is metal from the heart, filled with soul, and pointed towards making a difference.

Good Teal Release New Single, “LOOKOUT”!
This new song brings some dope ass hardcore mixed with metal like if Youth of Today were formed in the late 90’s and were on Victory Records.

RODERIK Release New Song: “Panic”
RODERIK’s new single, “Panic”, is a mix of hardcore, posthardcore, metal and screamo with a lot other shit happening here. If you mixed elements of Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, The Used, Magnolia Park, Point North you’d get this band.

Drops Releases New Single, “Pressure” off of new EP, Feel It!
Drops from France plays hardcore in the vein of Turnstile, Backtrack, Trapped Under Ice, Terror. Their “Pressure” is off their new EP, Feel It, that came out a few weeks ago.

Something Wicked Release Two Singles: “Stop Reproducing” and “Electric” ahead of their full length release on 4/26!
In the last month of so, Something Wicked has released to dope ass singles: “Stop Reproducing” and “Electric”, and if these two tracks are any indication, then their forthcoming album, Deceased, set to release on 4/26 is going to be a banger!

Latch Releases New Single: “Buzzkill”
I did a review of a previous Latch song, “Oath Breaker”, where I insinuated that they could have been on the classic comp This is Boston…Not LA and held their own against The Freeze and Gang Green. This new song, “Buzzkill” is off their new EP - Trapped in this Flesh and keeps the hardcore while demonstrating a little bit more of the punk in hardcore punk.

Commodity Releases New Single: “Fell from the Sun”
My first thought is that I could be back in DC at St. Andrews Church listening to some late 1990’s early 2000’s melodic hardcore and youth crew bands.

Fracture Type Release New Single: “Strafe”
Fracture Type sent me “Strafe” off their new EP Make Your Brain A Better Place To Live and this is some killer shit. It’s got influences from hardcore, metal, early emo and more happening here. In just over 3 minutes there are so many elements happening here, I feel like it’s the periodic table of aggressive music.

Sick Move Releases New Album: Intrusive Thoughts
So I appreciate the ability for people to hear so much amazing music because of the Internet, but every now and then I hear a digital album that just screams, “Someone please put this out on fucking vinyl! This is too damn good to just be streamed!!!” and such is the case with Sick Move’s new album, Intrusive Thoughts!

Gramercy’s Releases New Single: “Ghosts”
Gramercy’s new single, “Ghosts” kicks off with fucking brutal hardcore attack and keeps pounding at you with viscerally screamed vocals, discordant guitar with the drums steadily driving it deeper and deeper into you brain.

Totally Slow Releases New Single: “Future Burns”
I reviewed “Crosshairs” for Totally slow five or six months ago, so I was stoked to get their new single, “Future Burns”! The band continues to combine some of my favorite types of hardcore and punk.