Something Wicked Release Two Singles: “Stop Reproducing” and “Electric” ahead of their full length release on 4/26!
Photo Credit: Claudia Thyrone
In the last month of so, Something Wicked has released two dope ass singles: “Stop Reproducing” and “Electric”, and if these two tracks are any indication, then their forthcoming album, Deceased, set to release on 4/26 is going to be a banger!
“Stop Reproducing is an 80’s hardcore style jam that kicks in hard right from the get go and just slaps the fuck out of your face. Then the breakdown comes and they lay down a sick guitar lead that’s a little buried in the mix but still smokes. Then there is the pause that allows the vocals to come front and center before it just comes in at near breakneck speed where it sounds like they are almost about to lose control.
Musically it all reminds me of a mix between class nardcore bands like Dr. Know and other 80’s LA hardcore punk bands like Wasted Youth with maybe a touch of Urban Waste from NYC.
Lyrically, it first reminded me of “Operation” by Circle Jerks, but that was more a person’s personal choice vs. a call to get other people to stop having kids. In which case, this reminds me of Retching Red’s “Stop Breeding”.
The history teacher in me wonder’s if they are familiar with Thomas Malthus and his ideas on population control which I always told my middle school students was basically the foundation for Thanos’s ideas about wiping out half of the universe. Are the members of this band Malthusians or acolytes of Thanos? Maybe or maybe not. Maybe they just realize that having more kids than you can afford is a problem.
Either way I imagine this news will make them happy:
The number of people getting permanent contraception procedures — tubal ligations and vasectomies — increased abruptly in the summer of 2022 when the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to an abortion, according to a new study in JAMA Health Forum. Researchers used electronic health records from patients ages 18-30 to calculate the changes. They found that the increase in tubal ligations was double the increase seen in vasectomies. This difference is particularly striking when considering the fact that getting one’s tubes tied can cost almost five times as much as a vasectomy. It’s also a more invasive, painful procedure — though, like in so many areas of women’s reproductive health, research on the experience is scarce. (STAT News)
Overall, these lyrics present a blunt and unapologetic critique of overpopulation and the societal norms surrounding family size and reproduction, delivered with a mix of frustration and dark humor.
In other words, this is some gnarly ass shit for everyone to crank loud and enjoy! You can check the song out and buy it on Bandcamp:
You can also check it out on YouTube as well:
As for “Electric”, I couldn’t find any lyrics for it, but musically it brings the same high level energy and aggression. This time the solo during the breakdown is up front and center searing into your brain. Clocking in at just over 1 minute, this song leaves nothing on the table. It’s fuck from the very fuck. I am so fucking digging this. This is so my type of shit. I hope they decide to tour the northeast, so I can see them live.
You can check out both songs on their Spotify on on my Punk/Hardcore Playlist
And since I am a live album on vinyl record label, here’s some of their live stuff from YouTube:
Make sure to follow them on IG
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If you’re digging this band, I’d suggest checking out our 12” split with Except You / Trashworld and our 12” hardcore comp co-released with Locked in the Basement featuring 20 killer bands like Zorn, Urban Waste, Soji and more!