The Retarded Release Two New Singles: “The Kids Are Gone” and “My Heart is Burning”

While the teacher in me struggles a bit with the name since I’ve spent so much of my time discouraging it’s usage, the music is infectious as fuck if you dig Ramonescore. This Italian band is from the 1990s, so like The Queers whose name didn’t inherently age well, the band’s music is that timeless good time punk rock that one can sing along to in your car with the windows down and music blaring or that you can pogo to in a dank ass club.

They’ve just released their first new album since the 1990’s and the two singles I’ve sent are solid ass pop punk tunes that any fan of The Ramones, Mr. T Experience, Screaching Weasel, The Riverdales, etc. should be down with.

The first single, “The Kids Have Gone” starts with a dope drum intro, and then busts into a catchy chorus that smacks of The Ramones. The chorus is the type that you can see people raising their fist or their beer and chanting “The Kids Have Gone!”

The second single, “My Heart is Burning” is a little slower but still rocks. The guitar has some cool harmonies and the vocals are just as catchy as the last song thought a little gruffer. Dig the flams by the drummer.

Check out the album on Bandcamp and grab the vinyl or at least the digital copy:

You can also listen on Spotify or on my Punk Playlist

Follow them on IG

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No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them.


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