Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

State Power Releases New Single: “Payback”
State Power’s newest single “Payback” reminds me of something I might have heard from Paint it Black or Ruiner i.e. tight and fast hardcore with just a touch of melody to make me want to sing along when I’m not diving off the stage or circle pitting.

Love Ethic Releases New Song: “The Mind is Cleansed Through the Mouth”
What can I say about Love Ethic’s newest single, “The Mind is Cleansed Through the Mouth”? For one it’s the song about my grandmother washing my mouth out with soap that I didn’t know I always longed for.

Longfriend Time Friend Releases New Single: “Saint of Something”
When I first heard “Saint of Something” by Longfriend Timefriend, my first thought was that this sounded a bit like the Ergs if the Ergs were playing a 1950’s sock hop.