Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Toxic Frogs Release New Single: “Lose You Again”
I’ll be honest, I don’t often think of France when I think of Celtic/Irish Punk. I’m enough of a social studies teacher to know that the Irish population in France is not high in comparison to countries where English is the native spoken language. And Yet, here I am jamming the fuck out to “Lose you Again” by the fucking Toxic Frogs from France.

Lemongrab Releases New Single: “J’te crache dessus'“
Much like my last review of Lemongab, I have no idea what they are singing on “J’te crache dessus'“ since I don’t speak French. What I do know is great fucking punk rock, and this is it. It’s raw and gritty and played the way a band plays when they only person they want to please are themselves.