Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Wexford Releases New Album: Silent Key
These dudes are probably close to my age or if not they just dig that late 80’s/early 90's postpunk, posthardcore, dischord, grunge, emo scene. Yeah I know that’s a lot of adjectives, but their sound ranges from Hot Water Music, Fugazi, Hum, Quicksand, Dinosaur Jr, Jimmy Eat World, Jane Addiction, and more.

Colider Releases New Single: “Tiki”
This is a solid ass melodic punk rock song that could have fit easily on any of those popular CD compilations in the 1990’s whether it was Fat, Epitaph, Asian Man, etc.

Colider Releases New Song: “Relay”
Colider’s newest song, “Relay”, has that early 90’s grunge mixed with punk sound.