Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Inherit The Ashes’ New Single, “Idolmaker”, is a Black Metal Banger!

Inherit The Ashes’ New Single, “Idolmaker”, is a Black Metal Banger!

Inherit the Ashes may have spawned from the proverbial remains of Rage Of Samedi, but they’ve left behind the doom and sludge metal and moved into classic death and black metal! That doesn’t mean there aren’t any slow parts. Their newest release, “Idolmaker” starts off with a slow build but quickly moves into a thrashtastic banger! I always love metal drumming even though it’s outside of my ability, that’s why I play hardcore punk–it’s fast but simple. This dude is great. Sick timing and rad fills. The chorus where that snare is hitting machine gun like steady blast beats is just killer!

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On’s Newest Single “Make Me” Opens with a Killer Riff and Keeps on Killing!
music review, On, dcxpc live Mr. P music review, On, dcxpc live Mr. P

On’s Newest Single “Make Me” Opens with a Killer Riff and Keeps on Killing!

Right from the outset when I hit play, I was feeling this song. The opening riff is one of those classic guitar riffs that every band hopes to come up with. The kind that leaves a legacy and will be taught in guitar 101 classes for generations to come. Having it slowly increase in volume until the drums come in adds to the intensity. Not only do I love the snare sound, but I love the guitar “screech” that occurs with each snare hit early in the song. Great accent and really interesting to hear.

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Doll Riot Releases New Single: “Those Days”!

Doll Riot Releases New Single: “Those Days”!

Yes, some might presume that Doll Riot are an all-female band, but in our non-binary world, I’m not going to make that assumption. Others might want to make mention of their age–i.e. high school age-ish, but seeing as how my favorite bands from the DC area: Minor Threat, Scream, Void, Fath, etc. were all in high school, I’m not going to focus on that either. I’ve found that when reviews focus on age or gender it’s usually accompanied with an implicit unspoken phrase, “good for being ________”. This band doesn’t deserve or need such a qualifier. They are just fucking good!

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