Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

The Fades Newest Single, “Off the Record” should be on everyone’s record player!
The Fades describe themselves as “reminiscent of early Nirvana, elements of Faith No More and the snarl of Idles”. On their new single, “Off the Record”, I can most certainly hear the early Nirvana a la Bleach. It’s got the same sort of heavy buzzing distorted wall of guitar with the pre-dave grohl drums of Chad Channing. I totally get the feeling of listening to one of my favorite Nirvana songs: “Negative Creep”.

Pondering the Meaning of Life? Start with listening to “What Kind of Donut are You” by Margaret Hooligans
“What Kind of Donut Are You?” Is one of those nonsensical humorous songs that harken back to the days of The Dead Milkmen, Beck, Butthole Surfers, Atom and His Package or They Might Be Giants all of which never quite fit into the strict paraments of the “punk” world per se but all of which had fans of punk that enjoy and continue to enjoy the nature of what they brought into what’s oft a far too serious genre of music.
Doll Riot Releases New Single: “Those Days”!
Yes, some might presume that Doll Riot are an all-female band, but in our non-binary world, I’m not going to make that assumption. Others might want to make mention of their age–i.e. high school age-ish, but seeing as how my favorite bands from the DC area: Minor Threat, Scream, Void, Fath, etc. were all in high school, I’m not going to focus on that either. I’ve found that when reviews focus on age or gender it’s usually accompanied with an implicit unspoken phrase, “good for being ________”. This band doesn’t deserve or need such a qualifier. They are just fucking good!