Goodbye Sunshine Lit Up My Day with Their New Album: People Will Like You When You Stop Being Yourself

Whether you’re a nearly 50 year old punk like me who loves to be taken back to the glory days of Lookout Records with bands like Screaching Weasel, The Mr. T Experience, The Queers, The Riverdales, The Donnas i.e. any other pop punk band with Ramonescore overtones or if you’re a recent convert to the oooh aaaahs and joy of pogoing in your room to “happy” sounding tunes with lyrics that are often more sardonic or acerbic than joyful, then this newest release by Goodbye Sunshine, People Will Like You When You Stop Being Yourself, is for you! (That is one long ass sentence. Hmmm Hemmingway might be proud…of course Faulkner would scoff at the insignificance of my word count).

Let’s do a song by song run down:

“Smokestacks”: Nice ripper of a lead to start the song followed by catchy as fuck verse with oohs and aaahs in all the right places. Punchy bass and flams on the snare provide great transition into the final guitar lead and “chorus?” That ends every so abruptly, making me want more. Good thing another song comes along. 

“She’s Keeping Score”: The song is short and to the point, with a rad ass bass guitar/drum breakdown in the middle. Reminds me of early Screaching Weasel. I’d give them 5 out of 5 punk points, but who’s keeping score? 

“Lake Shore Drive”: Different singer? Or just the same singer showing their versatility? Whichever it is, I love the change up. It’s a little more brusque but still catching as fuck. The song’s a little slower, but it still brings the rock and makes me want to pogo up and down–as opposed to left and right. Clocking in at nearly 3 minutes, this is by far their longest song, but it’s so good, my punk rock induced short attention span locked onto it the whole song.

“Timber I’m Falling Down”: I get that 50’s rock n’ roll vibe on this one. When I was in The Abducted, I used to tell my parents it was like 50’s music sped up on crack. This is just like that. If distortion had been more prevalent in the 50’s this would have been a classic song.

“Smell”: Oh yeah…this just kicks it up a notch. It takes me back to The Queers off of Day Late, and a Dollar Short! I couldn’t quite figure out what smells or who, but this song does not stink even though it is it lit!

“Here Today, Hope You’re Gone Tomorrow”: Just the song title alone makes me smile. I always dug when a ramoenscore band came up with fun ways to insult people in their titles. I love how the song sounds so happy, but it’s telling someone off. The Dancehall Crashers were the best at doing this, but this song does a solid job of keeping that format alive.

The album is available now on Spotify , Apple Music and where most people stream music. You can purchase the digital copy on bandcamp via River Monster Records for $7 

There will only be a limited amount of 7" EPs available on either blue or green vinyl from Little Lost Girl Media until July 24th only! 

I’ve also added them to my Dope Punk & Hardcore Bands to See Live Playlist

Here are the band’s socials for you to check out:





Little Lost Girl Media Facebook

River Monster Records Facebook


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