Mike and the Nerve Released a New Single: “Grace”

Having reviewed their previous single “Fool’s Gold, and False Idols”, I was stoked to see I was gonna get a chance to review their newest song. And what a fucking great song it is.

Musically you’ve still got the melodic hardcore/punk rock that you might hear on old No Idea Records releases and vocals that remind me a bit of Greg Graffin from Bad Religion on his solo acoustic stuff. First 2 and a half minutes of the song, and I’m digging it, but and then it goes into this big powerful bridge with really intense vocals and lyrics that is followed by a killer guitar solo and then the song drops down into a quieter but no less intense piano laced version of the chorus.

I love the lyrics too. When I was a teacher, it was one of my main goals to create a classroom where middle school students would be given grace i.e. they’d be allowed to have bad days, make mistakes, and struggle with life. And giving myself self-grace has been something I’ve been working on over the years too, so I just really felt the power of this song, and I can see myself listening to it when I’m feeling good already, but also when I’m beating myself up about something, and I need a reminder to give myself grace.

Check out their rad animated video:

You can also check it out on Spotify or on my Punk Rock Playlist

Follow their socials: FB and IG

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)


Want to mail a vinyl for review? Message me at dcpcbooking@gmail.com for the address

No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them.


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