Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

DEDPAN Releases New Single: “Lie to Me”
Australia’s DEDPAN plays hardcore punk that is a bit like a mix between what you’d hear if you mixed C.O.F.F.I.N, Amyl and The Sniffers, OFF!, CIVIC and Speed all together i.e. fucking sick!

Asfixia Social Release New Single: Traffic Lights w/ Guest Vocals from D.O.A.’s Joey Shithead!
Asfixia Social bring it all to the table and fucking let it rip with a mix of ska, rap, hardcore, punk, funk, dub all flavored with the Brazilian music of their country. And if that weren’t enough, “Traffic Lights” even has some rad ass guest vocals from Joey Shithead from D.O.A. one of my favorite hardcore punk bands!

Sickrecy Releases New EP: Split with Barren
Where to start? My first thought when I heard a song from Sickrecy was of Magrudergrind and Assholeparade, but after listening to the full EP, Split with Barren, I realized that there is so much more than grindcore happening here.

Your Best Nightmare Releases New Album: A Simple Solution for Toxic Masculinity
I am so stoked to dig into A Simple Solution for Toxic Masculinity by Your Best Nightmare, and I’m even more stoked to catch them live at the Fuzebox in Albany on April 3rd!

The Gluts Release New Single: “Cade Giù”
I don’t speak Italian, so I don’t know what The Gluts new song, “Cade Giù,” is about beyond Google telling me it means to “fall down”, but I don’t need to understand the lyrics to enjoy this rad ass track.

Obsidian’s “Born Trouble” is a Fucking Banger!
And that blazing guitar solo makes me wet in three places in my pants.

Buckled Releases New Song: “Clickbait”
I reviewed “Divine Comedy” by Buckle a little bit ago, so I was stoked to get this new song, “Clickbait” where they fight the seemingly never ending infestation of assclowns talking shit online.

Busted Radio Release New Album: “Metaphor for Life”
This is punk rock for punk rock fans. No sub genres. It’s not crust punk, it’s not pop punk, it’s not skate punk, it’s not thrash punk, it’s punk that blends the 70’s British punk to the 80’s punk that began to emerge as hardcore. Most of all it’s fucking dope ass fucking good punk.

Stay Idle Releases New Song: “The Algorhythm”
Stay Idle’s new song “The Algorhythm” mixes the mainstream sounds of bands like Sum 41 with more unique sounds of bands like Refused into a garage punk track for all to enjoy.

The Sons of James Release New Single: “Against My Will”
“Against My Will” by The Sons of James follows the musical path in the two previous singles I reviewed “Boswell” and “All They Told You” i.e. a mix of Pennywise, No Use for a Name and other Fat/Epitaph bands and would have been a standout band on either label’s well known compilations.

frick. Released a New Single: “Zig-Zag”
frick. is a garage punk band from SLC with distinct garage and noise influences.

Having played a handful of shows in Frederick, MD 20 years ago or so where the redneck population were generally none-too-happy to see a bunch of punks roll up, it’s great to see that this band is from that area.

Mike and the Nerve Released a New Single: “Grace”
Having reviewed their previous single “Fool’s Gold, and False Idols”, I was stoked to see I was gonna get a chance to review their newest song. And what a fucking great song it is.

Labasheeda Releases New Album: Blueprints!
One of the best parts about reviewing music is hearing new music and often from artists that were not even on my radar by any stretch of the imagination. This is the case with Labasheeda from Amsterdam and their new album, Blueprints.

Guitarmy Of One’s Recent Single, “Top Secret Agent Man on a Wire Tapped Phone at Sea” melds surf, spycraft, and punk vitality!
The song’s title, as well as its musicality, pays an homage to Johnny River’s song from the 60’s “Secret Agent Man” but mixed with surf, a Spanish guitar, and that punk essence that clings to everyone one of us that has come of age as a punk.

The Fades Newest Single, “Off the Record” should be on everyone’s record player!
The Fades describe themselves as “reminiscent of early Nirvana, elements of Faith No More and the snarl of Idles”. On their new single, “Off the Record”, I can most certainly hear the early Nirvana a la Bleach. It’s got the same sort of heavy buzzing distorted wall of guitar with the pre-dave grohl drums of Chad Channing. I totally get the feeling of listening to one of my favorite Nirvana songs: “Negative Creep”.

DCxPC Live Reviews All This Time is Yours Now by GODDAMNIT
It always kills me when I discover a “new” band only to find out they’ve been around for over a decade, and I just somehow missed the memo. Such is the case with Goddamnit, but like my childhood in the comic book stores, I’m checking out what’s new while digging through the back issues to get my full exposure.

Panic Theory by Vacant Skies
Vacant Skies is a band from Flagstaff, AZ. They just released a new album, Panic Theory, on Allegedly Records, one of my favorite labels because it’s run by some of the dopest people in the scene and puts out rad tunes to boot.

Dead End Town EP by Mitch Kramer
So I’ve been aware of Mitch Kramer due to common friends, Some Kind of Nightmare, but until recently I’d never listened to him and his rotating cast of supporting artists. What a mistake that was because this shit rocks!

Field Day “Why” Live 7”
The band is tight as fuck and the melodies don’t suffer from being performed live. This is a band of pro punks that know how to play with heart and power.