The Sons of James Release New Single: “Against My Will”

“Against My Will” by The Sons of James follows the musical path in the two previous singles I reviewed “Boswell” and “All They Told You” i.e. a mix of Pennywise, No Use for a Name and other Fat/Epitaph bands and would have been a standout band on either label’s well known compilations.

I dig the big vocal harmony part that opens the song. Reminds a me a little of Bad Religion’s “Sinister Rouge”. That big vocal harmony comes back in the bridge too. Very dope. The song has that singer/song writer feel in that it’s narrative in nature which I always dig.

Lyrically, this speaks to me as a 47 year old punk rocker. Yes, I still go to shows and play shows, and I’m as much into punk as I was as a kid, but now I have to balance that with life. Like them, time has dragged me against my will into adulthood and all the responsibilities that entails.

I for one would be up front grabbing the mic singing:

“Take me back to the record store next to the state theater
Take me back to my first show, to the days I’ll always remember
Take me back to the record store next to the state theater
Take me back to my first show, to the days I’ll always remember
Take me back to when I was young and time stood still
When it seemed like forever growing up against my will
Take me back to my first show, to the days I’ll always remember
it seemed like forever growing up against my will”

check them out on their Spotify or on my Punk Playlist

Follow their socials: IG, Bandcamp, FB and Linktree

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)

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No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them.


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