Deer Park Avenue Releases New Single: “Queen of Disaster”

Deer Park Avenue’s newest single, “Queen of Disaster”, skirts that line between indie pop punk and mainstream pop so effectively that I could see why they are a perfect fit for festivals like SXSW. It reminds me a bit of Press Club, Bully and The Mysterines . And lyrically it’s seems to be about getting your life together and taking your power back. I can see how this could be an anthem for owning your own flaws and finding strength as you strive to become the best version of yourself. This makes it’s release on International Women’s Day make some sense.

The repetition of phrases like "My mind isn’t changing now" and "You can see me smiling while my mind is breaking down" reflects a sense of resignation and internal conflict. Despite putting on a facade of happiness, they acknowledge their mental anguish and the futility of their efforts to change the situation.

The lines "Running in circles with nothing to show / Pushing and pulling, but I won’t let go" convey a sense of being stuck in a cycle of dysfunction, unable to break free despite recognizing the need for change. I hear an expressed a desire to improve oneself and the relationship, but they feel overwhelmed by the challenges they face.

Overall, the lyrics delve into themes of struggle, resilience, and the complexity of emotional turmoil within relationships.

Deer Park Avenue will release an EP in Summer 2024, with a sophomore LP slated for Fall 2024

You can also check them out on their Spotify or my Indie/Garage Rock Playlist

Follow them on IG and FB and check out their Website

Want to mail a vinyl for review? Message me at for the address

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