Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Nihiloceros Release New Song: “Purgatory (Summer Swim)”
I just reviewed “Penguin Wings” by Nihiloceros a short bit ago, so I was stoked to receive a new song so soon after. “Purgatory (Summer Swim)” is another fucking sick tune.

Broke Even Releases Two New Singles: “Turn the Volume Down” and “You Dying”
Broke Even musically reminds me like some fucked up version of Atom and His Package, Dead Milkmen and They Might Be Giants.

Ugly Cowboys Release New Song: “I Wanna Make You Cum”
If the 8th grader in you smiles at the word cum, but the more mature person in you recognizes that the song is also an existential cry to find pleasure in a world gone made, then this song is for you.