Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Blind Man’s Daughter Release New Album: Sundressed!
I’ve been following Blind Man’s Daughter for a few months. Not only does this progressive metal band lay down some rad instrumentation, but their singer can really wail. Their new 10 song album, Sundressed, is absolutely killer.

Misanthropic Therapy Releases New Single: “Realm of the Absurd”
Just looking at the cover of this release, I was stoked to hear it. It fully set my expectation that I’d be listening to some brutal ass fuck extreme metal, and I was not disappointed in the least!

Atlantic Rift’s Killer New Single “Headhunter” is Out Now!
From the rapid fire double base and staccato rhythms to the slowed down but brutal later parts with vocals that have that System of a Down feel at times and with punctuated screams that sound like Phil from Pantera a la Cowboys from Hell this song just rips!