Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music
Lemongrab Release New Single: “Winter Deprimiert”
This is one of those dope ass songs where I can’t say it sounds like A or B, because they meld so many different influences into their own thing.
SYFF Releases New Single: “Broken Record”
I don’t know what SYFF stands for, but I’m gonna say Shut Your Fucking Face!
The Snouts Bring that Fun Melodic German Punk Filled with Humor!
Yes. I admit it. I have no idea what they are saying. I have no idea what the title of the song “Fang an” means, and yes, I could look it up, but I’d rather review this the way I heard non-English punk rock as a kid in the 1990’s i.e. just getting a feel for it. And this feels dope as fuck!