Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

1983’s New Album, Ne3, is The Banger Release of the Summer!
I first saw 1983 at Bloodfest 2 in 2019 at Uncle Lou’s put on by Violent Breed Records. They were totally rad dudes, and put on a sick show filled with aggressive 80’s style hardcore. I’d seen them off and on over the years with the final time being at the Ft. Pierce Punk Rock Flea Market this last fall. And if I dug them before, I was literally wet in three places for them now. Their new bassist and drummer just took their shit to the next fucking level. So it was with great excitement that I checked out their newest release, Ne3, this last week.

Your Best Nightmare is the Kind of Nightmare that I’d Wish on My Kids
I still remember being stoked to see Eddie Vedder on his ukulele tour, and then I got sick and couldn’t make the show. From that point on ukulele went deep into the recesses of my mental filing cabinet of short lived DIY musical styles. Since then I have recorded a great horror punk band in Florida that uses a ukulele, Swear Wolf, with a live album pending, discovered The ukulele punk rock of the Margaret Hooligans from Philly and now found out about Your Best Nightmare who use horror themes, punk rock soul and a ukulele to make some damn fine music.

The Bingo Boy’s Newest Album, Freak Out and Leave, Makes Me Want to Crank that Shit All Night!
Hot damn! I love that midwestern punk rock! These dudes bring the mother fucking noise! They are a three piece–my favorite type of band, and their sound is so friggin’ thick! They meld so many great influences in their slice of punk rock. Think: Replacements meets Melvins meets The Dicks with hints of proto punk i.e. Stooges and MC5. They just opened for the Subhumans, one of my favorite bands, so I hope everyone dug that as much as I did. They have released a new album–though it doesn’t seem to have a physical option which sucks, ‘cause I’d buy it if they did. Here’s my one time listen review of each song. Keep in mind that I’m a drummer and not a musician:

“Surrender” by the Power Trio of Stoner Doom Metal that is Craetor is an EP that Everyone Should Be Cranking Up!
From the intro filled with heavily distorted fuzzy guitar that any stoner metal fan would love to their final track, “Wither” with its sick leads layered on top of the fuzz, these dudes bring the rock. Their second track, “Riot”, is my favorite. The fuzzy guitar harkens back to The Melvins or Kyus or Clutch or to more recent bands like Weedeater. The vocals are nasty and gritty in all the ways that feel good to my metal loving ears. Drums and bass lock into a great groove especially during the wah heavy guitar solo that crescendos with a throaty wail. When the song ends, I find myself wishing there was more even though the punk rocker in me almost always prefers shorter songs.

Panic Theory by Vacant Skies
Vacant Skies is a band from Flagstaff, AZ. They just released a new album, Panic Theory, on Allegedly Records, one of my favorite labels because it’s run by some of the dopest people in the scene and puts out rad tunes to boot.