Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

pink suits Release New Single: “C.O.F.F.E.E.”
I reviewed an earlier pink suits single, “Refuse the Rules”, a little while back, so I was stoked to receive this new single.

Gender Reveal Atomic Bomb Release New Single: “Party Animals”
Having recently reviewed a previous single from this band, I was stoked to review Gender Reveal Atomic Bomb’s new single “Party Animals” which is just making me fucking smile from ear to ear.

Frightwig Release New Single: “Redistribution of Wealth”
So I’m a little surprised this is the first I’ve heard of Frightwig. They’ve been around on and off since the 1980’s and could easily be considered forerunners of the riot grrrl scene that was part of my teens in the early 1990s.

Literally Anything But Bros are NOT Your Fucking Friends!
Hailing from Turkey, this riotgrrrl-esque punk band brings it hard and in your face! Right from the bat, I love the band name and it’s slap in the face of bro-culture. Then the song itself reminded me of a time I told a co-worker that we weren’t friends because we were merely work acquaintances and the minute we stopped working together we’d never speak to each other.
Doll Riot Releases New Single: “Those Days”!
Yes, some might presume that Doll Riot are an all-female band, but in our non-binary world, I’m not going to make that assumption. Others might want to make mention of their age–i.e. high school age-ish, but seeing as how my favorite bands from the DC area: Minor Threat, Scream, Void, Fath, etc. were all in high school, I’m not going to focus on that either. I’ve found that when reviews focus on age or gender it’s usually accompanied with an implicit unspoken phrase, “good for being ________”. This band doesn’t deserve or need such a qualifier. They are just fucking good!