Galacticnorcinerator Releases New Single: Scam Armada

Galacticnorcinerator’s new song, “Scam Armada” reminds me a bit of Red C with touches of the song “Revenge” by Report Suspicious Activity during the spoken word parts or maybe the start of “Sour Grapes” by The Descendents. With that being said, these are just what things came to my mind, and the song really sounds like none of them. It does have a dancey post punk sound that would have easily fit into 1990’s Dischord or K Records.

This rad post punk band seems to exist for the express purpose of expressing their disgust with the status quo of a capitalist society that seems bent on refusing to mitigate its worst aspects. By which I mean that beyond singing song against the system as most punk oriented bands do, they actually take most of their earnings and donate it to local charities and causes which is pretty dope. On that note, go to Bandcamp and buy some music knowing that some of it will no doubt go to a worthy cause.

You can also check them out on their Spotify or my Punk Playlist or my Indie Rock Playlist

Follow them on IG

Oh and since I’m a live album record label, I love to include some live video:

Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)

Want to mail a vinyl for review? Message me at for the address

No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them.

Also make sure to check out DCxPC Live’s store where I have vinyl release of live albums by amazing hardcore, punk, ska and metal bands! We are a small DIY record label doing our best to document the scene we love in the way we love it most—LIVE!


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