Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Storm Boy Releases New EP: Superposition!
I reviewed their last EP, With a Gasp That Reached the Sky, and I said they reminded me a bit of Leatherface and Hot Water Music, particularly with the vocals.

Charm School Releases New Single: “Debt Forever”
Charm School’s new single “Debt Forever” reminds me of a dope mix between IDLES and PUP.
Recalculating Releases Single: Based on the Comedy of Ray Romano
Recalculating’s new album, Do You Like to Laugh, opens with their single, “Based on the Comedy of Ray Romano” which immediately reminded me of one of my favorite bands from Baltimore, Landspeedrecord! mixed with Nation of Ulysses mixed with The Talking Heads i.e. good fucking shit!

Wexford Releases New Album: Silent Key
These dudes are probably close to my age or if not they just dig that late 80’s/early 90's postpunk, posthardcore, dischord, grunge, emo scene. Yeah I know that’s a lot of adjectives, but their sound ranges from Hot Water Music, Fugazi, Hum, Quicksand, Dinosaur Jr, Jimmy Eat World, Jane Addiction, and more.

Galacticnorcinerator Releases New Single: Scam Armada
It does have a dancey post punk sound that would have easily fit into 1990’s Dischord or K Records.

King in Yellow Releases New Single: “The Chelsea, At Night”
King in Yellow hail from Kingston, NY which is in my neck of the woods in the Hudson Valley of New York which makes this review all the more exciting because I get to really dig into a song of a local band that I’m gonna do my best to catch live in the near future.

Hand First Release New Single: “Actor”
Brooklyn’s Hand First mix garage rock and post hardcore /post punk into a powerful blend that has me wanting to dance and sing along.

Harker May Mean to Eavesdrop, but I’d Proudly Stand Out in the Front and Listen to This Band!
Mixing post punk fuzz guitar with shouted vocals and clean melodic poppy vocals, this UK band knows how to craft a song that make you want to move.