Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Storm Boy Releases New EP: Superposition!
I reviewed their last EP, With a Gasp That Reached the Sky, and I said they reminded me a bit of Leatherface and Hot Water Music, particularly with the vocals.

Wexford Releases New Album: Silent Key
These dudes are probably close to my age or if not they just dig that late 80’s/early 90's postpunk, posthardcore, dischord, grunge, emo scene. Yeah I know that’s a lot of adjectives, but their sound ranges from Hot Water Music, Fugazi, Hum, Quicksand, Dinosaur Jr, Jimmy Eat World, Jane Addiction, and more.

Vida Releases New Single: “TMS”
Their bio says they were on hiatus, and based on Bandcamp their last release was nearly ten years ago, so all I can say to that is I’m glad they ended their hiatus cause this is fucking dope shit.

Aversions Release New Single: “Mirror Games”
Aversions’ “Mirror Games” is a mix of 80’s hardcore punk a la Husker Du as well as post hardcore like one might have heard on later Dischord Records releases.

Totally Slow Releases New Album: “The Darkness Intercepts”
The Darkness Intercepts is officially out on Refresh Records and the rest of the album is just as fucking dope as their first two singles.

Galacticnorcinerator Releases New Single: Scam Armada
It does have a dancey post punk sound that would have easily fit into 1990’s Dischord or K Records.

Resting B!tch Face Release New Album: “Sounds Gay, I’m In”
Just the name of the band, Resting B!tch Face, and the name of the album, Sounds Gay, I’m in made me so want to love this. Luckily from the moment I hit play, I was fucking loving every damn second of this album. This protest queercore at it’s best.

Brain Cave Release New Single: “Neologism”
Brain Cave bring that post hardcore sound that reminds me so much of late 80’s early 90’s Dischord stuff which means I dig the fuck out of it