Totally Slow Releases New Album: “The Darkness Intercepts”
Totally Slow has been slowly dropping singles for several months. I reviewed “Crosshairs” back in October and “Future Burns” a few weeks back. Now their full length vinyl release, The Darkness Intercepts is officially out on Refresh Records and the rest of the album is just as fucking dope as their first two singles.
I’m gonna highlight two songs that I really dig.
“Pistol Whipped” Slows things down a bit and changes the tone of the album from the mix of harDCcore and SoCal punk that I felt in the other two releases. This branches almost more into later Dischord style post-hardcore. At track 8, it’s a nice respite and allows the listener to take a brief detour and refresh their mind a bit while also being wholly engrossing in some dynamic musicality.
“Kookslam” kicks in there and reminds me a bit of NJ’s Vision mixed with Dag Nasty i.e. good fucking shit. At over 4 and a half minutes this is signifigantly past my normal punk rock attention span, but the song has so many changes and rad nuance parts that I totally lost track of the time. When everything drops out but the bass around the 3 minute mark and then it just slowly builds up, I’m all in and enjoy the ride all the way to the end.
This is some well-crafted melodic hardcore that harkens to classic bands and sounds of the past while brining their own flair to it and creating an album that isn’t just a collection of random songs, but a solid ass cohesive fucking classic.
Also both songs feature some dope guest appearances by a different member of Man or Astroman!
Check it out and buy some shit on Bandcamp:
You can also grab the album here: Refresh Records
This video’s about a year old, but I as someone who runs a live album record label, I love to check out their live stuff:
Speaking of live, make sure to catch them on one of their upcoming tour dates. I know if I was still in the DMV that I’d be all over one or both their shows around that area.
April 6 - Chapel Hill NC with Teen Mortgage & Death Lens
May 4 - Greensboro NC LP Release Party at Flat Iron with Shehehe
May 16 - Richmond VA at Banditos with Night!Night! And Talk Me Off
May 17 - Washington DC at Rhizome with Night!Night! And Palladists
May 18 - Baltimore MD at Holy Frijoles with Night!Night! And Meth Rats
May 26 - Chapel Hill NC at Local 506 for JAWS Fest
You can also check them out on their Spotify or my Punk Playlist
Follow them on their socials: IG, FB, and Linktree
Need a song reviewed or playlisted? Contact me using the link below (Keep in mind, I only review bands I actually like; you can go elsewhere for insincere or negative reviews.)
Want to mail a vinyl for review? Message me at for the address
No tapes and no CDs, I can’t play either of them.
Also make sure to check out DCxPC Live’s store where I have vinyl release of live albums by amazing hardcore, punk, ska and metal bands! We are a small DIY record label doing our best to document the scene we love in the way we love it most—LIVE!
We have two preorders that are selling fast right now:
DCxPC Live Vol. 19 Inquisition Revolution Live
DCxPC Live Vol. 20 Middle-Aged Queers / Raging Nathans Live!