Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

Storm Boy Releases New EP: Superposition!
I reviewed their last EP, With a Gasp That Reached the Sky, and I said they reminded me a bit of Leatherface and Hot Water Music, particularly with the vocals.

Wexford Releases New Album: Silent Key
These dudes are probably close to my age or if not they just dig that late 80’s/early 90's postpunk, posthardcore, dischord, grunge, emo scene. Yeah I know that’s a lot of adjectives, but their sound ranges from Hot Water Music, Fugazi, Hum, Quicksand, Dinosaur Jr, Jimmy Eat World, Jane Addiction, and more.

Dad Release New Single: “Snake Handshake”
Brooklyn based band, Dad, have released a fucking killer new single, “Snake Handshake” which is a mix of sludge metal and post hardcore. As I’m listening I’m hearing elements of Clutch, Drug Church, Fugazi and The Jesus Lizard to name just a few. Maybe even some Big Black.

Brain Cave Release New Single: “Neologism”
Brain Cave bring that post hardcore sound that reminds me so much of late 80’s early 90’s Dischord stuff which means I dig the fuck out of it