Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music
Storm Boy Releases New EP: Superposition!
I reviewed their last EP, With a Gasp That Reached the Sky, and I said they reminded me a bit of Leatherface and Hot Water Music, particularly with the vocals.
Storm Boy Releases New EP: “With a Gasp That Reached to the Sky”
Listened to the whole thing through 2-3 times before I started this review, and I was immediately taken back to one of my favorite split albums: Leatherface and Hot Water Music. If you dug that release (and if you have heard it, I know you did), then you’re gonna love these bangers.
Storm Boy Releases New Single: “Steam in the Room”!
First the disclosure, I loved this song the moment I heard it. It was days later that I realized that an old DC area friend that I’ve known for decades was in the band. So with or without knowing anyone in the band, this song fucking rocks.