Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

2toaroom Release New Self-Titled EP!
A couple months ago I reviewed two songs by 2toaroom, “Nitrous” and “New Punk Song”, but now I get the honor to review their self-titled, four-song EP! It’s a raw, rad, gnarly fist of punk rock in your face. Very classic 80’s hardcore sound that I love.

Buckled Releases New Song: “Clickbait”
I reviewed “Divine Comedy” by Buckle a little bit ago, so I was stoked to get this new song, “Clickbait” where they fight the seemingly never ending infestation of assclowns talking shit online.

Red Kate Released New Album: “Exit Strategy”
I first caught wind of this no nonsense politically charged punk band a few months back when I reviewed “Home of the Slave” which was a banger of a tune. So I was stoked to check out a few tunes form their new album Exit Strategy!

Scary Hours Releases New Single: “Muted Mass”
Scary Hours from North Jersey released “Muted Mass” about a month ago, and this shit smokes.

Fireman Releases New Song: “World Peace, Eventually”
This is some rad ass politically charged hardcore punk rock. It mixes the veins of 80’s hardcore a la Minor Threat and Gorilla Biscuits with late 90’s hardcore of bands like Strike Anywhere and Lifetime with touches of Bad Religion.

Spider Releases New Single: “Tabula Rasa”
Stoked to hear another single by Spider! I reviewed “Deathmatch” by them a couple of months back and that shit was dope as fuck!

Lifed New Single “Contingency” is a Brutal Mix of Hardcore, Metal and Grindcore!
“We are from NC and we make sweaty fat music for sweaty fat moshpits.”