Mr. P. Reviews Dope Music

DEDPAN Releases New Single: “Lie to Me”
Australia’s DEDPAN plays hardcore punk that is a bit like a mix between what you’d hear if you mixed C.O.F.F.I.N, Amyl and The Sniffers, OFF!, CIVIC and Speed all together i.e. fucking sick!

Human Dinosaur Machine Releases New Single: “Goonbox”
“Goonbox” is another fucking killer tune by Human Dinosaur Machine! I fucking loved their last single “Ventilator” and this one is no less of a banger!

Buckled Releases New Song: “Clickbait”
I reviewed “Divine Comedy” by Buckle a little bit ago, so I was stoked to get this new song, “Clickbait” where they fight the seemingly never ending infestation of assclowns talking shit online.

Outer Control Releases New Single: “Failing At It All”
Fast, melodic skate punk with just a touch of metal influence.

Late Night Lies Releases New Single: “Hot Tub”
Fun and silly pop punk that reminds me of a mix between The Aquabats (w/o the ska), Nerf Herder and Bowling for Soup.

Forklift Assassins Release New Single: Wake Up (Rapid Eye Movement)
Part surf, part punk, part hardcore, all fucking great.

Garland Green Releases New Single: “Baby Blue”!
Tasmania’s Garland Green (I hope they all wear Steve Buscemi masks) play some rad ass melodic skate punk with hints of metal of the type you might hear from Strung Out, Rise Against or A Wilhelm Scream.

Human Dinosaur Machine Releases New Single: “Ventilator”!
I don’t quiet no what to say about this band other than they fucking rock. I don’t know where Northern River is or what Northern Rivers punk rock normally sounds like, but this shit is dope. I’ll be honest, I’m supposed to just review this one song, but I did a dive into their Spotify and its just filled with fuck. Like absolute fuck.

Reefeater Releases New Song: Patriot!
With a band name like Reefeater, I’m not inherently looking for a serious song since I take the name as either relating to weed i.e. reefer or to surfing/scuba/beach shit. But this song speaks to my soul. I’m a former social studies teacher who is getting his PhD with a focus on social justice and one of my big areas of study is the effects of uber patriotism that borders or spurns outright into nationalism vs. a reflective patriotism that focuses on acknowledging the failures of the past and present and working to achieve the aspirational ideals that might exist which is heavily related to the lyrics of this song.

Need a kick ass song that also supports a kickass cause? The Owen Guns “Trans Rights are Human Rights” are for you!
If this alone doesn’t want to make you buy the single, “"New charity single 'Trans Rights are Human Rights' with proceeds from Bandcamp sales going to Transcend Australia, a registered charity that supports families and their trans and non binary children." then a listen to the music of this banger should. It’s very old school 80’s hardcore punk when not all punk was hardcore and before any hardcore had become metal. Fast without being breakneck thrash, gruffly sung vocals and the driving power of punk rock behind it all.

“Having a Bad Time Having a Ball" by the Australia’s La Famiglia is an electrifying track combining 80's hardcore, 90's skate punk, and indie rock to create a unique and captivating sound.
So this is killing me. The way the vocals are sung from the tone to the way the syllables are being held reminds me of a specific song and band, and I can’t fucking put my finger on it. I’ve shared it with some friends and gotten some suggestions that maybe I was thinking of 7 Seconds or Dave Smalley era Dag Nasty, but neither of those is quiet right. I’ll give a free 7” to the person who listens to this and figures it out.

This Sinking Ship’s New Single “Epicurean Paradox” is Out Now!
This Australian punk band brings smooth harmonies and melodies in a fast skate punk rock style that instantly catchy and easy to sing along with.